
OALib Journal期刊

ISSN: 2333-9721




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匹配条件: “Nájera Coronado” ,找到相关结果约234286条。
El mono y el cacao: la búsqueda de un mito a través de los relieves del Grupo de la Serie Inicial de Chichén Itzá
Nájera Coronado, Martha Ilia;
Estudios de cultura maya , 2012,
Abstract: recent studies about cacao symbolism have stressed the importance of this plant and its bean in several contexts of ancient maya culture, sustaining the assumption that it was the most revered plant after corn. its value stands out in economic and social terms and, of course, in religious contexts. however, we do not know the mythical beliefs related with its procurement for the human beings; in this paper we propose a possible interpretation, based on the maize mythical model and supported by several representations from the initial series group of chichén itzá, where monkeys play an important role.
El mono y el cacao: la búsqueda de un mito a través de los relieves del Grupo de la Serie Inicial de Chichén Itzá Monkey and Cacao: in Search of a Myth Through the Initial Series Group Reliefs in Chichén Itzá
Martha Ilia Nájera Coronado
Estudios de cultura maya , 2012,
Abstract: Recientes estudios sobre el cacao han subrayado la relevancia del árbol y de su fruto en diferentes ámbitos de la cultura maya y podría afirmarse que, después del maíz, fue la planta más venerada; su valor destaca en la esfera económica, en la social y, por supuesto, también en la religiosa. A pesar de ello se desconocen mitos sobre cómo los hombres llegaron a obtenerlo; por ello, con base en el modelo mítico mesoamericano del maíz, se propone una interpretación sustentada principalmente en el análisis de algunos de los relieves del Grupo de la Serie Inicial ubicado en Chichén Itzá, en la que el simio juega un papel relevante. Recent studies about cacao symbolism have stressed the importance of this plant and its bean in several contexts of ancient Maya culture, sustaining the assumption that it was the most revered plant after corn. Its value stands out in economic and social terms and, of course, in religious contexts. However, we do not know the mythical beliefs related with its procurement for the human beings; in this paper we propose a possible interpretation, based on the maize mythical model and supported by several representations from the Initial Series Group of Chichén Itzá, where monkeys play an important role.
Los últimos días del gobierno espa?ol en Colombia
Sourdis Nájera,Adelaida;
Memorias: Revista Digital de Historia y Arqueología desde el Caribe , 2010,
Abstract: with the defeat of the spaniards in boyacá on august 7, 1819, santafé, new granada's vice regal capital fell into the hands of colombian patriots, but the spanish state remained. viceroy sámano and the royal audience fled to take refuge in cartagena de indias, where they continued to rule. the conflict between sámano, a supporter of absolute power, and gabriel de torres, governor of cartagena, follower of liberal ideas, soon rose. the viceroy refused to swear the constitution of cadiz, restored in spain in 1820, so the governor, based on this constitution, deposed him and took political and military power. sámano went to cuba and torres became the sole and legitimate head of the spanish state. he defended bravely this final possession of the monarchy, until, besieged by the colombian army, commanded by mariano montilla, and at sea by josé padilla, was forced to surrender and hand over the stronghold to the colombians, on october 10, 1821. he sailed with his troops to cuba, never to return.
El Instituto de Salud Carlos III y la sanidad espa?ola: Origen de la medicina de laboratorio, de los institutos de salud publica y de la investigación sanitaria
Nájera Morrondo,Rafael;
Revista Espa?ola de Salud Pública , 2006, DOI: 10.1590/S1135-57272006000500013
Abstract: the ?instituto de salud carlos iii? is the central public health laboratory in spain with an important component of scientific research in health related areas, such as cancer, cardiovascular diseases, infectious diseases and enviromental health. the article describes the development of the public health institutes, arising from the introduction and development of scientific and laboratory based medicine and the introduction of vaccination and sanitation with the control of water and food. at about the same time, the discoveries in microbiology and immunology were produced, being the research activities incardinated with the practical advances in the control of products. to cope with the practical needs, institutions were created with the responsibility of providing smallpox vaccine but incorporating very soon production of sera and other vaccines and water and sanitation control and foods control. at the same time, colonization of countries specially in africa, south east asia and explorations in central america confront the europeans with new diseases and the need of laboratories where to study them. these circumstances gave rise to the birth of the central public health laboratories and the national institutes of health at the beginning of the xx century in many countries. in spain, the spanish civil war was a breaking point in the development of such an institution that finally was reinvented with the creation of the instituto de salud carlos iii, in 1986, incorporating research and epidemiological surveillance and control of diseases and also the responsibilities of the food and drug control, lately separated from it.
Reglamento de la Asociación Espa ola de Neuropsiquiatría (1949).
Antonio Vallejo Nájera
Revista de la Asociación Espa?ola de Neuropsiquiatría , 2000,
Abstract: Sin resumen.
Los últimos días del gobierno espa ol en Colombia
Adelaida Sourdis Nájera
Memorias: Revista Digital de Historia y Arqueología desde el Caribe , 2010,
Abstract: Con la derrota de los espa oles en Boyacá, el 7 de agosto de 1819, cayó Santafé la capital del virreinato de Nueva Granada en manos de los patriotas colombianos, pero no así el Estado espa ol. El virrey Sámano y la Real Audiencia huyeron a refugiarse en Cartagena de Indias en donde continuaron gobernando. El conflicto entre Sámano, partidario del absolutismo monárquico, y Gabriel de Torres, gobernador de Cartagena, de ideas liberales,pronto se manifestó. Al negarse el virrey a jurar la Constitución de Cádiz restablecida en Espa a en 1820, el gobernador, con fundamento en dicha carta, lo depuso y asumió el poder político y militar. Sámano se embarcó hacia Cuba y Torres quedó como único y legítimo Jefe del Estado espa ol en lo que quedaba de la Nueva Granada. Defendió valientemente esta postrera posesión de la monarquía hasta que, asediado por el ejércitocolombiano comandado por Mariano Montilla y la armada por José Padilla, no tuvo másremedio que rendirse y entregar la Plaza Fuerte a los colombianos el 10 de octubre de 1821. Se embarcó con sus tropas hacia Cuba para nunca más volver.
Rese a de "José Agustín Blanco. Obras completas - Tomo I" de Jorge Villalón y Alexander Vega (Editores)
Adelaida Sourdis Nájera
Memorias: Revista Digital de Historia y Arqueología desde el Caribe , 2011,
Rese a de "Los nudos del régimen autoritario. Ajustes y continuidades de la dominación en dos ciudades de Oaxaca" de Eduardo Bautista Martínez
Marcela Coronado Malagón
El Cotidiano , 2011,
Curar la carne para conjurar la muerte. Exhumación, segundo velorio y segundo entierro entre los wayuu: rituales y prácticas sociales
Mildred Nájera Nájera,Juanita Lozano Santos
Boletín de Antropología , 2009,
Abstract: El texto presenta y analiza las más importantes manifestaciones rituales relacionadas con la muerte entre los indígenas wayuu. Se describe en detalle un primer entierro y su posterior y necesaria exhumación; se evidencia además, la manera en que las prácticas alimenticias y los rituales expresan sus creencias sobre la muerte al tiempo que fortalecen y estructuran los vínculos sociales.
Equity and accessibility in health? Out-of-pocket expenditures on health care in middle income countries: evidence from Mexico
Arredondo, Armando;Nájera, Patricia;
Cadernos de Saúde Pública , 2008, DOI: 10.1590/S0102-311X2008001200010
Abstract: this study analyzes the results of a cross-sectional survey which set out to determine the costs to patients of searching for and receiving health care in public and private institutions. the information analyzed was obtained from the study population of the mexican national health survey. the dependent variable was the out-of-pocket users' costs and the independent variables were the insurance conditions, type of institution and income. the empirical findings suggest that there is a need for a more detailed analysis of user costs in middle income countries in general, where the health system is based on social security, public assistance and private institutions. this study shows that the out of pocket costs faced by users are inequitable and fall disproportionately upon socially and economically marginalized populations.

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